They say that when you dream of something, there are 3Vs which may make you closer to your dream – Visualize, Verbalize and Vitalize. Visualization is important for the bigger picture, while by Verbalizing, you close the ways to go backward. Both of these make you bound to Vitalize or enliven your dream. This piece of writing is all about the second ‘V’ – Verbalize. While I had a long-cherished dream of penning down a fiction one day, by verbalizing it today, I want to close all doors behind me so that I cannot escape in anyway. I want you all to point your fingers towards me, if I cannot make within the dreamt timeline. I also want you all, as good friends of mine, to chase me, to question me on the progress, to push me towards the wall so that I complete the fiction in time and go for publishing it. My bouts of writing spells are very irregular and I suffer from ‘Irritable Creative Syndrome’ (ICS), where, I tend to fall prey of creative constipation repeatedly and tend to g...