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Showing posts from June, 2020

A Suicide Note

Please don’t get perturbed by the title of this article, more than a “suicide note”, it is a note on suicide. I, along with many others, have been deeply moved by the sudden suicide of a famous Bollywood star, in the peak of his career. Questions started cropping in my mind. What and why? News says that he has been undergoing treatment for depression for last few months. Was this suicide an affect of that? No one can answer all these questions. But we can ponder over a single connecting thread over many suicides, “depression”. In our society, depression is a negative term. Once you are in depression, people look at you with the corner of their eyes and general belief is that depression is a symptom of mentally weak people. We are so scared about the societal issues related to depression, that we even hesitate to take professional help. Because our society believes that once depressed, you are either “mental” or “to be mad”. We forget that as my physical health goes throu...