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A Journey to my Core

Known-known faces, are they half-known?A full life makes the faces full-known!

This was my preconceived notion when the idea of a re-union was being nestled. I had been debating with myself, whether to be or not to be there. I was confused whether the ‘known’ faces might turn up to be ‘half known’ after two decades of separation!!

Twenty long years, is not a short travel. I remember, during my student days, I used to go through “Employment News” regularly to look for job vacancies. And for most of the HR jobs, the minimum post-qualification experience required were 15-20 years. That was quite an absurd requirement for a fresh college pass out, who was only having an MBA degree and a bagful of aspirations in his possession. Now, when I look back at the 20 years which I spent in corporate rat-races, then I realize, oh, what a journey!! Though the journey, sometimes, was tiresome and difficult through hilly terrains and rough patches, but whenever an oasis was found, it was so fulfilling, so pleasurable.
The gang-ho Batch

Can twenty long years change a human being? The world in which I was a student, has completely changed. In those by-gone days, I didn’t have the luxury of smartphone (the present day third-eye), branded apparels, ready to eat cereals, fancy cars, and so on and so forth. Did all these modern availability have changed me?

I thought yes, it changed me. But after the batch-mates started pouring in for the re-union, I realized, I didn’t. I am the same as I was 20 years back!! Where did I keep so much of emotions secretly? How was I away from such warm hugs? The etymology of the term “personality” ways back to “Per Sonare” (Latin), which means wearing a mask. It is said that during our life, we keep on changing this mask. Sometimes I am a responsible husband, sometimes a loving father, sometimes a caring son, sometimes a darling friend, sometimes a task oriented manager, sometime a nervous reportee to an expat boss, sometimes a loaner and sometimes a social entertainer….the mask keeps changing. But does my core change? I, now, strongly believe that it doesn’t. Had it changed, how could I get such spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions by meeting my batch mates after such a long time?

Indebted to those who have planted the seed of a re-union. It was not a mere meeting with old pals, but for me it was a life changing event, where I could realize that I am still the same old old-fashioned guy who cries secretly in the dark corner of his room when his friends leave. Thanks to all for gifting me this feeling.

This was a learning for me towards my small steps to the great world.


  1. I know this man who has a heart filled with love and emotion...the busy rat-race couldn't change him from the core..he is such a lovely person, guys proudly saying you all he always possess a golden chamber in his heart for the friends who truly love him...he is my darling hubby.

  2. Sir, very rightfull analysis, some inner emotions doesn't change even in the long run. We carry them throughout knowingly or unknowingly. That is the true "WE".

  3. Boss,

    Truly speaking , I am really shocked to see - legal drafting to personal blog , you really excel every where.

    I am really touched the way you have explained the things in the blog.

    My learning not only in HR field but as a Human Being is really taking shape everyday under your guidance.

    I am sure your inputs will definitely convert me from " Human Being to a Gentlemen in personal & professional life".

    Learning from " a Thought to Transformation".

    Will continue my learning under you, irrespective of the organizations.

    Ritesh Bhardwaj

  4. It's your true feeling. Actually many of us have the same feeling. The packaging cannot change the core product.


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