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Honored Past

Few days back, I was a part of an interview panel for fresh MBAs and I met this girl during the interview, who was an aspirant for the job. Very average looking, smiling, wearing a saree and finding it difficult to handle the Indian dress. Once she cleared the written round, it was time for a personal interaction. We, at the interview panel, started with her family background (I strongly feel the family background is an entirely personal domain and we should not ask about it). She was very candid saying that her father is a helper in a Hindu crematorium and mother works as a sweeper in municipality. She also narrated that all along she has been helped by local social organizations for her studies.

Believe me, the occupation of her parents did not generate much enthusiasm in the group, but her pride in declaring the fact, did. She held her head up and replied to questions very confidently. I was wondering about the source of her confidence. It appeared that she is very honored to belong to parents who take part in cleaning which is unwanted. She is proud that her parents are adding value to a process which very few want to do.

That reminded me of a saying that the origin of our birth does not matter, what matter, is our deeds. Moreover, the way we feel proud of our origin, shapes our personality. Examples are many, and we need not find examples in famous lives. This MBA fresher is an example.

We, the so called well placed folks, feel worried about career, income, future security, dignity…the list is endless. There are people in the world who have enough reasons to worry about, like this girl. She could have been worried about finances for her studies and how to hold her face up among her batch mates who hail from well to do families. She must have been worried about the fact that her parental background may prove to be a disqualification in getting a decent job. These factors might have daunted her day in and day out. But she has decided not be moved by these fears and face the world in its stride!!

So, facing the world as it comes is the mantra. Let us not forget at any point that we all are blessed to take the birth of a human being. The humane side of the personality matters, our background is never counted. Whatever is good about in my past, let us be proud about that and let’s announce that to the world. No obstacle can force us to bend our head. We are born to hold our heads high !!!

Let this be another small step to face the great world.


  1. Replies
    1. What do you think? Such attitude cannot be afforded to be wasted. She was selected definitely.

  2. Good one... I hope she proves to be an asset for your organization.

  3. its really hard to find people like the girl,but all of us should be happy with whatever we have rather than grieving for the things we dont.the girls parent may not decend from a so called status rising social background,but they gave her the best values of life...

  4. I had a similar experience wherein the person who was being interviewed stated that his father works in the Municipal dept. as a sweeper in Vijayawada while his mother is a vegetable seller in a local market in Vijayawada. Needless to say he is an asset in my team.


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